Why you silly tramp.

you look like a tired turtle and your breath smells like a hot mucus. Here’s a lil something for you to chew on. As far as this Nigga J is concerned, you can go lick a garbage can.
and on to the reason you hoes get shit all twisted. Niggas. They just can’t seem to get anything right except for the most efficient way to make things worse. And how do you make an attractive chick worse? Make her use to niggas doing whatever she wants them to do. God damn you weak minded muthafuckas will make even a lowlife trick think she’s the queen of the centuries. punk niggas with no standards got these ugly clucks thinking that they are about smething, WHEN THEY AIN’T ABOUT SHIT. these hoes can’t read, cant cook, and there’s no pride in learning how to fuck from EVERYBODY in the neighborhood. Oh and on that note, being something everybody wants to fuck ain’t shit either. You didn’t have anything to do with it, dumbass!

Year end FUCK

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