Let me call you

there are individuals out there who won’t let you call them. I’m not even talking about the ones who are living in the psycho realm that can’t stop themselves. they’ve been talked about ad nauseum. Im talking about the ones who call you at exactly the right time, or won’t accept the form of communication that you are trying to work with them. for instance, there is one that I know that will text, then when you respond by text, they call. I asked,
Nigga J: why do you do that?
Muphucka: because I wanted to talk to you
nj: then why didn’t you just call?

what this individual doesn’t seem to understand, is that when you have started off in text, you can’t switch to phone unless its agreed on by both parties. frankly it pisses me off. I wish this person would understand that.
and whats up with these niggas asking me to watch their kids? I am flattered, but I haven’t even got my license yet, be on the look out for Lil Bastards Day Care, whoopin yo bad ass kids, and trust me there is a location near you.
Anyway, bitch #2, you tried to play me. And you know you will pay for that right? Why oh why must I be disrespectful to bitches to get the respect that I give so freely in return?
When I slap the hump out your back, I will be wrong though, right?
And this one goes out to you and your broke whore friend who’s mad because her pussy’s been used by a loser that I told her was a loser. But why should anyone feel sympathetic about a monkey looking bitch with a flat ass and emotional problems so severe she looks for affection in any hard dick she can find, then feels like an idiot afterwards, yet cannot seem to be able to stop herself. Talkin’ shit are you, used up hoodrat on front? Let me put it to you like this, game peeps game, and the dude who fucks you like dog in the streets is not impressive because playing dumb bitches is like playing hop scotch with toddlers. That is to allow you witness to your status, this moron got you thinking that you are his main broad and you breaking your neck to service him… and on top of that you know you gettin played, and you think the smart thing to do is fuck more niggas, instead of leaving the main musty imbecile alone? Yes, more pussy self abuse… and by the way, if you two weren’t forced together she wouldn’t fuck with your bacteria ridden ass anyway, I believe the term was “like an infection”, which is something I’m sure you are familiar with. Sigh, but I know is my fault for giving yamps any credit by actually thinking their IQ is higher than the depth of their vaginal canals. You know the mentally deficient slobber a lot too…
Now to something more positive. so you went there and got your heart hurt, but believe it or not, thats a good thing. You’ve been trying to hold on for so long, despite knowing that it was not worth it. this is a sure sign that its over and no longer worth fighting. you had to step outside yourself to be able to do it, and taking that chance will make you better in the long run. he’s the one that’s going to have to deal with the real issues of being in a transient situation that will last a long long time. you will be missed and he will hurt just like you do, just later and longer…
One more thing… I will hurt you. You may not believe it, but the pain that I inflict, you will always remember.
that is all

This makes me happy The confidence of youth


Big Freaky Baby

hey, I only called after I txted that one time…. (unneeded tripping removed by editor)

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