thoughts for today

1st of all, why the fuck am I awake?
I walk in and all i hear is clucking. 4 clucks just clucking away. How do 4 hoes make so much damn noise talking about a bunch of bullshit? And yet be so excited about it.
Aiight fuck my boss. This is why a Nigga J hates working for other muthafuckas. So this dipshit comes into my office with a project that has to be done by the end of the day with no idea or plan on how to do it. I knock it out even though I have to stay late to make it happen. The next day he gets some guidance on how it needs to be done and off I go. throughout the day changes are made again and again, because he has no idea of what he wants done or how to do it from moment to moment, but I’m making each change happen. Then this bastard has the nerve to critisize my efforts when the project is finally done. That shit I do not like. If you know you are being an ass, don’t compound the problem by being an asshole. I would hate to think I work for a bitch in a tailored suit. We shall see.
If I touch it, its mine, end of story.
The biggest thing is that you have to want it. Everything else out there can be had, but what do you want. You can’t just take everything that’s given to you, you gotta focus. And thats what I’m about to do, focus.

a girlfriend experience still Something long overdue

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