projections into the future

soon it will be just as hard to find pics of black womens butts as it used to be…. Cherokee will never be fine again… Skyy Black will never lose weight (and that might be a good thing), there will be no universal healthcare until the next president comes along. Apple with have a backlash because of the unpopular practices it forces on its customers, many people will die. There will be mass migration to the north, there will be another failed “war” in afghanistan, I will graduate, your pussy will stink one day, some of the best asses ever will fade into history, we will never figure out a way to collect all information that was ever generated, eventually all restaurants will switch to non pork choices on their breakfast menus, I will beat a bitch up and then go bang his girlfriend, someone you know that weighs 300 pounds will weigh 150 and you will want them so bad but they will remind you how much of an asshole you were, niggas will drop out of college for lack of direction, everyone will blame Obama for Bush’s fuck ups and there wont be another black president for 50 years. Gray men will become more violent as they feel more encroached. Gray women will continue to be 10 years behind black women, and niggas will continue to think they are better because they are gray. There will be less love in the black community ( I know its hard to believe there can be less), women will start to purposely and proudly have babies without fathers, and black men will continue to wonder why. Black men will continue to lose sensitvity on their gaydars, and more will look like fags and not know it, or wonder if they look like homos or not. People will continue to talk about how much ass is on this site, and I will continue to put ass on this site. There will be thousands of happy marriages, happy homes and happy families that no one will know anything about. The gulf and east coast will be hammered by storms and floods in the midwest will break peoples communities. There wont be a playoff in college football. Someone’s daughter will become the neighborhood cum dumpster, and someone’s, many peoples sons will become low life ex cons with no future squandered opportunities and intelligence, because they listened to too much rap music and thought that shit was real. Real estate will recover. You will recover, and PGrill will finally get going. Brazilian chicks will go out of style and so will rap music, nahmean? Matter of fact, the whole rap ethos will decline as music sales decline, it will be tossed away like so much garbage.
There are just a few predictions… what are yours?

gonna do a few things…. You might remember LaKeisha

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