I really like this picture

Slim, Fine and Well Photographed

This chick reminds me of Garcelle Beauvais, if she was finer when she was younger.
Today is the 1st of July, and that means that its just a little more than two weeks away before I tell all these hoes to kiss my natural black ass. The word of the last few weeks, fuck, the last few months has been changes. I was thinking about it this morning and what do changes mean? It means that you have to do a few things: accept or resist. Which is it going to be? Resistance is futile.
You have to look at change as an opportunity to do it better than the last time, no matter what the change is. Examine yourself and see where you are sitting, then prepare to make a move on that change that will bring about the best possible outcome. It won’t always be easy, I’m telling you muthafuckas that right now, but its worth it in the long run. So long as you don’t come up with some stupid shit.
that is all.

True Trials A 3 pack

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