thoughts on cheating

I know it (the conversation) should be had. It should be easier to do, it should be done more often, people should not have to be in that position, people should have done it long before it happens and all that good shit. But it doesn’t work out that way. People have the conversation because they have to, not because they should because most would rather avoid having to do what is right, but is difficult. You can call it a weakness or whatever, but its all about perspective. If you are the one leaving, its easier, if you are the one being left, its harder.
what most people are really tripping on when they get cheated is the shock. “I can’t believe you would do this to me!” kind of thing. yes they are hurt, but if one was to have the conversation, they could take it, but when it comes suddenly thats what the bigger problem is and eventually they can accept it. If you are cheating you are willing to risk what you have invested anyway so that’s not really an issue, because if it was, one wouldn’t risk it. And nowadays, there is no friendship to be had when it comes to cheating. Its all or nothing because people don’t know how to have mature adult relationships anymore, but that’s a whole other topic.
I don’t think its about choice, its about the aftermath that makes people avoid telling their partner they’ve been fucking around than anything else.

and some reasons why men cheat…

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