Mayoli Sena

Mayoli Sena

Yeah, name sounds familiar right? If not, the pictures should refresh your memory bank. A year or so back, this chick was killing it, and like so many of them **POOF** she’s gone!!


Maybe she had a plan to hit this modelling thing up for a minute, then back to nursing/law/school to finish up…or maybe she had a chirrun….**SHRUG** tumblr_ml9cfv5pRS1qi6zx6o1_500I’m only assuming, which I hate to do. But nonetheless, her absence has been noticed by me, if not anyone else.

tumblr_mfm5eodXsO1ruz6zso2_500tumblr_me68xal7UG1qkzi5eo3_1280 tumblr_mvcicgCYFv1qi6zx6o1_500 tumblr_mvarypk4Dt1qetn1bo1_500 tumblr_me68xal7UG1qkzi5eo1_500 tumblr_mno69nTMiY1ruz6zso1_500 tumblr_mwpow1OXTK1qdfj1uo3_500but seriously….where she at doe??? @mayolisena

Jossa Nova Angelina Ivy


I felt stupid when I realized that her boobs were fake… but then again that just goes to show the power of everything else she was working with!


oh shit….I never paid attention to that either….well damn!!!

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