When tolerance is not enough

Having a rousing conversation with one of the most thoughtful people I know and the question came to me, “Why is tolerance not enough?”. It struck me as funny, because I’d been thinking about another concept that we seem to have today about winning. Today it seems that its not enough to take you victory and just go home, you have to have the victory and tell the opponent that they suck.
Its as if people have lost the ability to compromise and to win with dignity and respect. There used to be a time when what was most important was respect for the game and playing it the right way. Hell, there used to be a time when a man was more than the money that he made, how many hoes he could lie to and have sex with, and he was more concerned with getting his place in the world the right way, than just getting his place in the world.
Nowadays these things are lost in these hoe boys who don’t seem to wonder about honor or respect. Knowing that being a man is much more than your dick or your car or flashing a bunch of money.
I used to know a lot of men. Now I know very few because most of the men that I knew are deceased and there was no one to carry on that kind of thinking. I know very few males these days that are thinking about sacrifice, honesty and hard work beyond what they already want to work at.
Its no different for women. They used to be the more thoughtful and considerate. They were the steady ones who kept men cool, calm and collected. Helped a man gather the other side of his thoughts by giving him something to consider outside his normal scope of thought. A good woman was surely something worth waiting for.
Now these fools can’t wait to show how good their pussy is and don’t think with anything but their emotions. A good woman is hard to find, but I’m not going to beat them down because its the dudes fault anyway.
If you treat women with real respect, you get real women. But since you are fake men and only want hoes, that’s exactly what you get hoes. Hoes for Hoes. Sounds like a charity telethon. Oh yeah, its call BET.
Anyway, I got off on a tangent. Tolerance is more than enough when two parties clearly do not like one another. Its better than violence or the eradication of the other party. Look, sometimes things just don’t work well together, everything ain’t peanut butter and jelly. And everybody does not like PB & J. So if we don’t like one another either, we go to war or we tolerate one another. But if you have to have absolute victory then we must war, even if I’m not fucking with you. That shit ain’t right.
I don’t have to like, you don’t have to like me, but I can deal with you without being compelled to kick your ass. And isn’t that what tolerance is all about?Now tolerate these titties, because there ain’t nothing war like about them.

A beautiful set
I would rather make love than war anyway

There is nothing worse than Today I’m the bad guy

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