Girls from Ipanema

Girls from Ipanema

so as you know the world cup is coming up, and if you like a good combination of things, then Brazil is the place for you, we have always kept these ladies in our minds, and you should too. However, there was a thing with adidas and some shirts that state what many have already learned about Brazil, the women are fine, and the people are about some fuckin’
On one hand, it may not have been in good taste for adidas, but on the other hand, its not slander. See, a company like adidas shouldn’t be doing that shit, because its disrespectful. Its like how strip clubs got all fucked up, what should be kept on the low, muthafuckas started blabber mouthing about it and then all the people who go for the novelty show up and fuck it up for everybody. It should be left to a smaller company or person, who appreciates it for what it is, becuase there is nothing wrong with being fine AND being about some fuckin’

and anyone who thinks there is is clearly insane, repressed or more than likely both, because long periods of time without human contact can fuck you up, and even worse when you ain’t fuckin, and with that being said…

and now for some hoes part 001 Dairista

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